Channel: Integration Experts - Dipesh Avlani » BizTalk 2010 R2
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Powershell script to administer messages in BizTalk


The below script does everything from resume to terminate the suspended messages. It also allows you to get counts and save suspended messages into dedicated folders.

# Script to save, resume and list suspended messages. To be used by BizTalk admin ONLY!
# Created on 30/01/2014 by Dipesh A.
# Commands:
   # Note: CD to script path first.

    # To get count of all suspended messages
    # PS > .\GetSuspended.ps1 -action counts

    # To list all suspended messages
    # PS > .\GetSuspended.ps1 -action list

    # To save all suspended messages
    # PS> .\GetSuspended.ps1 -action save -path 'X:\[Path]'

    # To resume resumable suspended messages
    # PS> .\GetSuspended.ps1 -action resume

    # To terminate non-resumable suspended messages
    # PS> .\GetSuspended.ps1 -action terminate

# -----------------------------------------------------------------

# declare params: the action to take, and an optional
# path to save messages to
    [string] $action=$(throw 'need action'),
    [string] $path=$(if ($action -eq 'save') { throw 'need path' })

# get all suspended messaging service instances,
# both resumable and not-resumable
function bts-get-messaging-svc-instances()
    get-wmiobject MSBTS_ServiceInstance `
    -namespace 'root\MicrosoftBizTalkServer' `
    -filter '(ServiceClass=1 or ServiceClass=4) and ServiceStatus = 4'


# save the message associated to the
# specified messaging Service Instance
function bts-save-message([string]$msgid, [string]$sname, $homepath)

    #save each message within respective folders.

    "msgid is $msgid"
    "ServiceName is $sname"
    "msg_counter is $counter"
    $msg = get-wmiobject MSBTS_MessageInstance `
    -namespace 'root\MicrosoftBizTalkServer' `
    -filter "ServiceInstanceID = '$msgid'"

    $newpath = (Join-Path $homepath $sname)
    "new path is $newpath"

    $r_code= (test-path $newpath)
    "return code is $r_code"

    if ($r_code -eq $False)
       md $newpath
       "new directory created"

    foreach($m in $msg)
       $m.psbase.invokemethod('SaveToFile', ($newpath))
       "Message from ServiceInstanceID=$msgid saved to $newpath."


# save the message associated to the
# specified messaging Service Instance
function bts-save-message1([string]$msgid)

    $msg = get-wmiobject MSBTS_MessageInstance `
    -namespace 'root\MicrosoftBizTalkServer' `
    -filter "ServiceInstanceID = '$msgid'"
    $msg.psbase.InvokeMethod('SaveToFile', ($path))
    "Message from ServiceInstanceID=$msgid saved."

# list resumable suspended instances
function bts-get-resumable-suspended()
    get-wmiobject MSBTS_ServiceInstance -namespace 'root\MicrosoftBizTalkServer' -filter 'ServiceStatus=4'

# list resumable suspended instances
function bts-get-nonresumable-suspended()
    get-wmiobject MSBTS_ServiceInstance -namespace 'root\MicrosoftBizTalkServer' -filter 'ServiceStatus=32'

# resume instance
function bts-resume-instance([string]$msgId)
    if(!($msgId -eq “”))
       "Resume {0}" -f $msgId
       $msg = get-wmiobject MSBTS_ServiceInstance -namespace 'root\MicrosoftBizTalkServer' -filter “InstanceID = '$msgId'”
       $msg.Resume() | Out-Null
    "- Done"
       "MessageId missing"

# terminate non resumable instance
function bts-terminate-instance([string]$msgId)
    if(!($msgId -eq “”))
       "Terminate {0}" -f $msgId
       $msg = get-wmiobject MSBTS_ServiceInstance -namespace 'root\MicrosoftBizTalkServer' -filter “InstanceID = '$msgId'”
       $msg.Terminate() | Out-Null
       "- Done"
       "MessageId missing"

# main script
switch ( $action )
    'counts' {
       bts-get-messaging-svc-instances |
       %{ $counter++; }

       "Total: $counter"

       $counterrr = 0
       bts-get-resumable-suspended | %{ $counterrr++; }

       "Resumable: $counterrr"

       $counternr = 0
       bts-get-nonresumable-suspended | %{ $counternr++; }

       "Non resumable: $counternr"

   'list' {
        bts-get-messaging-svc-instances |
       fl InstanceId, ServiceName, SuspendTime, HostName,
       ServiceStatus, ErrorId, ErrorDescription

       #Set home path
       $timestamp = Get-Date -UFormat "%Y%m%d%H%M%S"
       $newpath = (Join-Path $path $timestamp)
       "Home path is $newpath"

       $r_code= (test-path $newpath)
       "return code is $r_code"

       if ($r_code -eq $False)
          md $newpath
          "new directory created"

        #save summary
       $wmi = get-wmiobject MSBTS_ServiceInstance `
       -namespace 'root\MicrosoftBizTalkServer' `
       -filter '(ServiceClass=1 or ServiceClass=4) and ServiceStatus = 4' | out-string

       $file = New-Item -Type File -Name "Summary.txt" -Path $newpath
       Add-Content $file -Value $wmi

       bts-get-messaging-svc-instances |
       %{ $counter++; bts-save-message $_.InstanceID $_.ServiceName $newpath }

      bts-get-resumable-suspended | %{ bts-resume-instance($_.InstanceID) }
      bts-get-nonresumable-suspended | %{ bts-terminate-instance($_.InstanceID) }

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